Creating a Questionnaire

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Questionnaires are a great way to collect data from a client that requires branched logic — if this, then that.

If you don’t need any logic and just want to collect data such as birthdays, mothers name, etc. then you want to use forms, not questionnaires.

To start navigate to

Fill in your email and a password to signup or login. Click the green “+” to login/signup. If you are signing up for the first time. You will receive an email that you have to verify before continuing.

Once logged in, click the drop down in the drop right corner and click “Create Pond”

You will be given a screen to fill in a name for this pond (project).  We’ve called our’s “Client Initial Survey”.

Click the green “+” and then on the next screen click the green “check”.

Click the drop down in the top right corner and select the pond you just created.

Click on “Click to Create a Lily” to get started.

You’ll be given a “lily” or a box to start creating your answer/question scenarios.

Click on the “Pencil” or “Create One”.

You’ll be given a box to type in your question/answer and any additional details. Give it a title (such as your question that you want answered) and then fill in any details.


Click the green “check”.

On the lily you just created, click the “+” to add some options for the client to choose from.


You will have just created a child lily. Click on the “Pencil” or the green “Create One” to create some valid responses. The process it the same as creating the answers.

In our example, we created two responses — “Yes” and “No”


When a client clicks on one of the responses, you’ll want to ask them another question. So for each response, click the “+” to add another question to ask.


From here the process just repeats until you have covered all the possible scenarios. There are some more complex topics like creating templates, linking to other lilies or ponds, data points, and flags. For these more complex topics we offer in-house or web training. Contact us to schedule some training.

Once you have finished creating your Questionnaire, select and copy the hoppa url included the pond name from your browser’s address bar (do not include anything after the pond name).


Now go to the Harmony Legal app and navigate to


  1. Create a name for your questionnaire (this could be the same name you used on hoppa or something different)
  2. Paste the url you copied from hoppa in the “ Pond URL” box.
  3. Select where this should show. You have several options.
    1. New Client – All clients will get this questionnaire and the questionnaire will be attached to the client rather than a specific case. This is useful for collecting vital information that doesn’t change from case to case. Like if you collect personal data such as previous addresses, mother and father’s name, criminal history, etc.
    2. New Case – Any new case will get this questionnaire attached to it. This is useful for data that is generic but a client may answer different from case to case.
    3. Specific Case Type – If you have not created any case types you will only see the above two options. If you have created case types, you will see them listed. Imagine you have specified case types of Bankruptcy and another of Criminal. These cases would require different sets of questions from the client. A bankruptcy case might ask questions related to their finances and whether they have filed in the past 7 years. Whereas a criminal might ask about any past criminal charges. You can create questionnaires to be attached to only specific case types.

Click on “Create” and you’ll see your linked questionnaire on the left-hand side.


Now, create a client or go to a client and select one of their cases.

Since we attached our example to “Clients”, you will see this questionnaire listed under the Client Profile Section. If we had attached it to “Cases” or a specific case type, you would see it listed under the case details.

Click on “Start” to start the questionnaire. You’ll get a popup showing the questions you created in Hoppa that you can ask your clients.

Once you get to the end, click on Finish and you will see that the questionnaire has a completed date on it.


You can click on this link to view the results


That’s it for now! Remember, there are some other things you can do like flagging stuff in the questionnaire and linking to fill our PDFs. Those are advanced topics that we provide training for.